Sport tours

Rome is not built on history alone and the city and its surroundings offer a variety of sporting activities that we will be happy to help you organize, plan, order and carry out, and if necessary we can accompany you to the various sites and activities and help with translation and enjoyment! Whether it’s skiing in Rome (in the Campo Felice area), diving around the island of Orbetello,
kitesurfing course in Marina di San Nicola, or complete triathlon training, at sea or at lake Brecciano, Roma Mia is here to help you with all the processes, including transportation, renting equipment on site (skis, bicycles, diving equipment, etc.), and a personal escort If necessary (before, during and after the activities).

* The cost for the tours depends on the number of participants, the activity itself and the season.
* Please specify as many details as possible in the tour order form.


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